This week it took me a little longer to finish the Buttonhole sampler. I tried to do a bit more embellishments on the stitching this time. Right now I'm keeping my samples in a small photo album to keep them safe until I decided to make the fabric album
Monday, January 16, 2012
TAST Week 2 Buttonhole Stitch
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1:40 PM
Sunday, January 8, 2012
TAST Week 1 Fly Stitch
I have finally finished my sampler for Week 1 of TAST (Take a Stitch Tuesday)
The first stitch was the Fly Stitch and I'v tried to do a few variation of the stitch. I am going to do all my weekly samplers in a 4 x 6 format and later will make a fabric book.
I'm looking forward to the new stitch next Tuesday
Posted by
5:15 PM
Monday, December 26, 2011
Happy Holidays
I hope everyone has had a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas and are looking forward to a New Year.
I have been MIA for a very long time and decided to start posting again this coming year.
I have join TAST (take a stitch Tuesday) hosted by Sharon B. from Pin Tangle. The challenge starts on Tuesday, January 3 and runs for a year.
I'm looking forward to starting this new challenge.
See you in the New year
Posted by
1:44 PM
Saturday, May 15, 2010
A Little Blogging Break
Lately I have been finding it very hard to post. Due to some health problems and and upcoming vacation I think I will take a little blogging break. Hopefully, I will be back soon. KarenOX
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2:52 PM
Friday, April 23, 2010
Today is 33 Years Together
Kahlil Gibran
I was gifted with a beautiful sculpture that I had admired a few weeks ago. I also thought it was very appropriate as yesterday was Earth Day.
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1:51 PM
Sunday, March 21, 2010
It's Been Awhile
It has certainly been awhile since my last post. Due to a few little things happening and our new little family member I have been busy.
We lost our beloved Muffin at the end of August last year. We had her for 18 years and she was the sweetest little pet. Petrina was missing her as much as we were and after Christmas we decided to look for a little kitten.
We found a litter of Flame point Siamese for sale and went to see them. The kitten would be ready in two weeks and we picked up Bailey the first week of February. We were told he was 8 weeks old, but our Vet figured he was only 6 weeks. The poor little guy had and cold and was only one pound. We had meds for him and when he visited the vet again in two week he was much better and had gained another pound. Because of this cold his little nose is so sensative, but he will grow out of it. Tomorrow he goes for he second needle and I would think he has gained more weight.
Here are some pictures of our new little friend.
Petrina and Bailey are starting to become friends. Here is a picture of them having a nap.
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5:20 PM
Saturday, January 16, 2010
My Little Amineko
I have been so sick this past week and a half. Finally, I'm starting to feel a little better. Between sleeping and just feeling terrible I did manage to finish up my Amineko. This little cat is from a Japanese designer and she has kindly translated her pattern into English. It can be seen here at her website.
In Japanese Ami means crochet or knitting in English and Neko mean cat. This little cat is poseable so you can display him in all sorts of neat ways.
I just love making these little animals and I look forward to making more.
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1:50 PM