Friday, June 20, 2008

Birds&Bonnets and Fairies&Wizards

How's that for a title.

We will start with Birds & Bonnets. I received my gorgeous panels last week and can't stop checking them out every time I pass by. I keep one side facing one day and then turn them around the next.
Birds&Bonnets Panels

Here are some close ups of my lovely panels.

Jeanne Szewczyk
Jeanne Szewczyk

Karen Benson
Karen Benson

Ann Tatum
Ann Tatum

Kim Morris
Kim Morris

Beautiful work ladies. I also was one of the lucky ones and received an extra tag from our sweet hostess' Karla & Beth
B&B Tag

I would like to thank Beth and Karla for hosting this wonderful swap. All the time and energy they put into making these great swaps a success is very much appreciated.

Now on to the Fairies and Wizards. I am hosting a Fairy/Wizard Party for all the sweet little boys and girls in our family. Though the wonders of fairy post (aka e-mail) All the moms and I finally found a date that everyone was able to attend."July 20th" I have been gathering enchanting, magical items for this party and have now finished the invitations and will be mailing them the first week of July. I am also including in the invitation a blank name tag so every child can choose their own Fairy/Wizard name and decorate the tag. I will supply a magical pin when they arrive at the party. Here are the two invitation cover cards.

The fairy invitation have two sweet little fairies from the book "Birthdays" by Sandra Evertson and the white fairies are dover. The little frame is by scrap artist Khamisi
Fairy Invitation

The Wizard invitation has clipart from dover and microsoft clipart
Wizard Invitation

I am having so much fun planning this party and right now I'm working on some little charm bracelets for each of the fairies.

Have a beautiful weekend



Fete et Fleur said...

Your panels are wonderful! I've had so much fun seeing all the different panels that were created out of these few vintage images. I love, love your invitations! They are perfect for your party.


Tara said...


Aren't these lovely and Karla and Beth do the best nice for you I know you'll enjoy them greatly!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Your panels are so beautiful!!! The party sounds like it will be so much fun!!!! Have a bright and sunshiney weekend....Mary

Alison Gibbs said...

Hi Karen how beautiful the panels from Karla and Beth's swap are.

Anonymous said...

Wow stunning artwork! Fairy party sounds like so much fun!!

LW said...

Your panels are so pretty ….

I just love your invitations, what a fun and wonderful party….
One of the best birthday parties my daughter had was a fairy party…
We made tiny little fairies from beads and pipe cleaners and
Tiny acorn baskets.

Have fun,


Donna O'Brien said...

Those panels are wonderful! I'd be checking them out every time I passed by, too! And your party sounds great- awesome invites!!
D. said...

I'm glad you liked your panels, I was very happy with all the screens! Also, glad you liked the tag I made.

I wish I could come to your party, it sounds like it is just my style!

My Arts Desire said...

Oh my! Those panels make my heart-rate zoom! Just beautiful.

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment! I peeked around in yours too, so much fun to discover new blogs. Loved the story on birthday parties from the past...It took me back in time (way back--ha ha).

Happy Monday!

Maija said...

Those panels are lovely!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful stuff Karen and you know we dont have much of these over here, happy weekend :P

Betty said...

Karen, Your fairy party sounds like a memory maker. How fun!

Paul Sears said...

just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Those panels are so lovely, alot of heart and hard work has gone in to them!! Welldone to all the creative makers!!

Sandy said...

I am kicking myself for not signing up for Beth and Karla's swap! Your panels are beautiful!

The invitations looks great and the party sounds like it will be pure enchantment!

Have a great weekend!

Cape Cod Washashore said...

The fairy party sounds delightful! Your panels are so lovely - what a treat to own! =)

Jessi Nagy said...

hey doll,

your panels are gorgeous!!
i love them all.


LizzyJ said...

Oh goodness, you are so talented! I LOVE those panels-all of them! Thanks for your visit and nice to meet you!

Artifax said...

Those Bird & Bonnet panels are gorgeous!!

And I just love your idea for those fairy/wizard invitations! What fun! The kids are just going to love receiving them! And decorating their own special nametags too!

Thanks so much for sharing your Rhubarb Custard Pie for the Sweet Treat Recipe Swap & Giveaway! It sounds absolutely divine!